A Venture Architect Company

We work with startups, corporations, governments, universities, and other organizations looking to build data and technology solutions, new business models, and civic innovations.


Leveling the playing field for diverse talent and organizations with data, technology, and systems to compete


Building and brokering sustainable mobility solutions to create one of the more advanced mobility environments for innovation.

We are proud to be at the forefront of advancing our community economically. Read our latest research reports including our New Report with Heartland Forward on Black Entrepreneurship in Memphis, Tennessee by heading to our research page.

Economic, Venture, & Civic Development

Three Lenses We Look Through

Regional Innovation

Requires innovative companies, but also talent with education, skills, and creativity; livable communities that provide a quality environment; effective regional governance; & an inclusive society strengthening economic, social, & environmental assets.

Zero Based Entrepreneurship

Going back to the zero point without preconceptions of our knowledge or existing models to make sure all parties fully understand the business and choices made to date shaping a clearer path forward.

Civic Entrepreneurship

Systems, methods, and processes for moving from socially helping the few to civically affecting change across the entire landscape.

“Economic growth—meaning a rising standard of living for the majority of citizens—more often than not fosters greater opportunity, tolerance of diversity, social mobility, commitment to fairness, and dedication to democracy.” In contrast, when an economy stagnates, “the resulting frustration generates intolerance, ungenerosity, and resistance to greater openness of individual opportunity.”

Transportation costs in Memphis

As we navigate the streets of Memphis, it’s easy to observe the significant burden that transportation costs place on our households and our community. However,

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