Start Co. is leading or is part of many collaborative efforts that we feel speak to building an open innovation system not just in Memphis but for impact across the nation. The goal of these collaborations is to bring resources such as capital, technology, talent, programs, research, etc, to the partners and where appropriate select collaborations become formal work efforts.

HR&A Advisors bring expertise in helping regions build shared economic visions, economic development delivery systems, and the needed capital structures for sustained activity. Public and private stakeholders have come together to research and develop a shared system for Memphis.

Heartland Forward is a “think and do thank” representing the 22 states in the heartland of America, and they have been instrumental in data mining and producing policy reports for the advancement of equitable entrepreneurship both nationally and locally here in Memphis.

The Urban Institute has chosen Memphis and St. Louis as two model cities for exploring and developing needed policy informed by new metrics to advance black entrepreneurship.

ICON has been engaged to bring their 3D printers to Memphis as an affordable housing solution in collaboration with United Housing and Convergence Memphis. This technology will also bring an advanced manufacturing workforce training component for regional talent.

Partners including Ford Motor Company, The University of Memphis, the State of Tennessee, and various other mobility organizations are working to research and develop a regional transit system to serve the 7,000 employees of Blue Oval City.
Logistics & Mobility
A Logistics & Mobility Cluster has been formed to create more knowledge diffusion in areas leading the Memphis region including but not limited to supply chain and logistics and sustainable mobility. The goal is to create more shared innovation pursuits worthy of shared investment.

Midsouth Latino Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Start Co. and MEMx to bring entrepreneurial building methods and training to its member base.

More For Memphis is an economic mobility initiative for dozens of regional partners; Start Co. leading the equitable entrepreneurship and business growth pillar of the work focused on partner conformity around policy, capital, and advocacy for a dozen support organizations.